Overview: Integrations


SurveyOptic is capable of integrating with other software and technologies to connect and enable wider business processes for organisations. Using APIs and webhooks, SurveyOptic can communicate with a wide variety of external systems such as payment gateways, case management systems, and other business software.

Flexible Integration Points

Integrations can include some or all of these elements, tailored to meet business needs:

  • Responses integration – send responses to an external system
  • Responses updates - update status of responses by an external system Files integration – send uploaded respondent files to an external system
  • Payment gateway integration – facilitate payments as part of survey flow
  • Survey integration – call an external system when changes are made to surveys
  • Survey update – update a survey by an external system

Integration examples

Case management

For example, where a survey is being used for applications or raising customer tickets, response data can be transferred securely to a case management system, including any files uploaded by the respondent. Status changes can be triggered by SurveyOptic or by the integrated software ensuring complete tracking of cases.

Payment flows

Payment flows can be incorporated. For example, offering respondents an opportunity to pay for a future training course or support materials following a diagnostic, or a service that relates to the survey or form that has been submitted. Payment flows can be one way, or users can be returned to SurveyOptic following payment to continue in a survey flow.