How to: User Management
Admin users of SurveyOptic have access to the Admin page. Users can be created, edited and deleted from this page.
Steps to create a new user
- Navigate to the Admin page and select the Admin users tab.
- This page lists all the existing users to your instance of SurveyOptic. It lists user email address, name, user role, default page, any groups the user is a part of, early access setting, 2FA status, last log in time and the last time the user was updated. There is also an Actions column with [edit] buttons which can be used to update users.
- Select [+ Create User] to start creating a new user.
- Complete the email address and the name of the new user.
- Next, select a user role from the drop down menu. A brief summary of the roles can be found at the bottom of the page.
- Select the default page or homepage that the user will be taken to upon login. If left as “default”, the user will be taken to the default homepage as set in the settings of the SurveyOptic instance.
- Finally under the “groups” heading, the user can be added to any existing groups, new groups can also be created here.
- Once the fields have been completed, tick the “send invite” checkbox to send an invite to the user with a link to set their password (alternatively, this can be done from the Admin users tab)
- Select [Save] to create the new user. (you may also use the [Cancel] button to exit the process)
Editing and deleting users
Users can also be further edited or deleted in the Admin users tab of the Admin users tab.
- Select [edit] on the user you wish to edit. This will open the edit user page where any of the users details can be changed.
- Alternatively use the [delete] button to remove the account from the list of users.
Before deleting an account, it is important to check with the user regarding any surveys, templates and dashboards they have permissions to. Prior to deletion, it is important to add full permissions to relevant users or groups to any surveys, templates and dashboards that only list the user to be deleted under the permissions. Doing so will prevent any items from being “orphaned” (i.e. hidden from users on the system due to permissions).
Password reset
If the user has forgotten their password or would like to change their current password they can do so by using the login page.
- On the login page, select the forgotten password? link to begin the password reset process.
- Input your user email address into the “username / email” box and click the [Reset password] button.
- An email will be sent to the address used with a link to reset the password.
- The link will open the password reset page. Enter a new password and confirm it in the second box, then click the [change password] button.
- The page will confirm the password has been reset. Use the login button to return to the login page.
Steps to create an individual manager account
Manager accounts can access the SurveyOptic platform “results portal”. This portal provides a cut down version of SurveyOptic, with more limited functionality and a maximum of 5 surveys to access at any one time. This is often used for analyst teams to access reporting and data. The below steps are aimed at this application of manager accounts. The results portal can also be used by managers and team leaders within organisations to facilitate analysis of data within directorates and departments, for more information on using manager accounts in this way please refer to our “How To - Import Managers for results portal” guide.
- Navigate to the Admin page.
- Select the on the Guests/Managers tab.
- Select [+ Create Manager] to start creating a new manager account.
- Complete the email and greeting/name fields.
- Add the user to any desired groups, or create a new group(s) for the account to be part of.
- Select [Save] to create the account.
- Select [Invite] to send an invite email to the new account.
Duplicate users
SurveyOptic prevents the creation of duplicate users for both Admin users and manager accounts.
Admin users
If a duplicate admin user is “created”, SurveyOptic will catch the duplicate and no additional line will appear on the users page.
Guest/Manager accounts
If a duplicate guest/manager account is “created”, SurveyOptic will catch the duplicate and no additional line will appear on the users page. If the duplicate had any differences such as name or groups, they will be treated as an update to the original account.