How to: Take actions on individual responses
Responses can be managed on an individual basis from the Responses page. There are a range of actions we can take which can impact response rates, reporting and data management.
Using the actions menu
When viewing the grid on the Responses tab of the Responses page, actions can be taken on individual responses by selecting a response.
Selecting a response opens the actions menu. This dynamic menu offers different actions depending the settings of your survey and the status of the response. Below are explanations of each available action:
Delete permanently - remove/delete the selected response. This can be helpful in instances where responses have been created in error. Deleting the response will remove it from the grid and any subsequent reporting.
Score - provided scoring is set up in the survey, using this action generates a score for the individual response. Please note that a [Rescore] button is available to generate scores for all of the responses to a survey.
Reopen/Mark Complete - these actions are used to change the status of a response. Reopening a response will allow a respondent, who had previously submitted a response, to return to the survey and amend their response. Marking a response as complete will change the status to complete, it will then be included in the survey reporting. This can be a useful tool where responses are near complete and hold relevant data for reporting.
Send/resend welcome - provided welcome emails are set up in the survey, individual emails can be sent to respondents using the send/resend welcome action. Remember initial welcome emails can be sent in bulk using the [Send x welcomes] button at the bottom of the responses page.
Send/resend reminder - provided reminder emails are set up in the survey, individual emails can be sent to respondents using the send/resend reminder action. Remember initial reminder emails can be sent in bulk using the [send x reminders] button at the bottom of the responses page.
Send/resend reminder 2 - provided 2nd reminder emails are set up in the survey, individual emails can be sent to respondents using the send/resend reminder 2 action. Remember initial reminder emails can be sent in bulk using the [Send x reminders] button at the bottom of the responses page.
Send thank you - provided thank you emails are set up in the survey, individual emails can be sent to respondents using the send thank you action.
Send approval reminder - provided approval reminder emails are set up in the survey, individual emails can be sent to respondents using the send approval reminder action. For more information on approval flows, see our "How To – Approval Flow" guide.
Test email - provided emails are set up in the survey, all emails can be sent to the logged in SurveyOptic user's email address as they would appear to a respondent using this action. It is good practise to send test emails to check they appear as expected to the recipient.
Mark reviewed - mark a response as reviewed. In some instances, you may wish to review specific responses or all of the individual responses to a survey. Keep track of internal review processes using this feature.
Change status - manually change the status of a response. Some surveys use a workflow to track the progress of a response (or application) by using status. The status of a response can be manually changed to any available status from the status menu.
View report - open a page with an individual response report. This is useful for viewing individual response data. PII filtering is available on this page. A PDF of this report can be generated using the [PDF] button.
Download report - download a PDF report of the individual response. This action is sensitive to the PII filtering active on the grid, generating a report with or without PII based on the current filter.